Thursday, June 6, 2013

Amazing Kindergarten Mathematicians!

I love the Common Core Standards because it has brought about some amazing thinking and strategies with our kindergarten students at Holiday Hill!!! Can you find these strategies: using manipulatives, counting all, pictoral representation, counting on from the larger number, number line, and the commutative property? Thanks Ms. Whitfield's class for sharing!

Friday, March 29, 2013

Math Misconceptions

During a vertical team meeting we discussed different math misconceptions students have...

March MATHness

We have had a BUSY month! We celebrated National Math day on March 6th and ate pies on PI day March 14th.  We also have had weekly events at school that included putting your name on our math wall of fame, an estimation jar, playing a math game at home with your family, and finding math in the real world. Please enjoy the pictures of our wall of fame!!!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

KHAN Academy

If you are looking for exercises and videos to explain specific skills and topics, this is the place you need to visit! Singapore math might be a fun place to start :)


Math content thought for the day...

What is a trapezoid? A trapezoid is a quadrilateral that has one set of parallel sides. Often people, young and old, are only exposed to one type of trapezoid (the red trapezoid below) and there are many misconceptions in the later elementary years when children are exposed to the right trapezoid (see the second picture below) and are asked to derive and apply a formula for a trapezoid. I challenge you to expose both diagrams to someone and start the discussion of what a trapezoid is!

The next discussion with be regarding parallelograms. I am on a geometric KICK!